Perhaps you have heard about Wood Badge or perhaps you haven’t. Wood Badge is the Premier Leadership Course for Adult Leaders in Scouting. It is comparable if not better than many of the corporate leadership programs that exist for a fraction of the cost. Some companies even reimburse and/or give leave time for the course.
The Spring Wood Badge Course is coming up 29 April – 1 May and 3 – 5 June 2016. It takes place over two weekends. There are several Muslim Scouters planning to attend this course with one Muslim Scouter already on staff for this course, don’t you think this is the time to take the course? Don’t you think that you deserve the experience yourself? Don’t you think that your unit deserves a leader that has had the benefit of completing Wood Badge? Make the commitment now to be the best Scouter you can be. Make a commitment now to take Wood Badge! Click here for more information
Here are what some of the participants from the last course in 2015 thought about it:
“I had a great time and learned a lot of new things over the course & look forward to completing my ticket and one day coming back as staff”
“I’ve seen much of the concepts included in other trainings over the years. The advantage was putting the information in a scouting context applied to scouting opportunities.”
“Fabulous course which was strongly recommended by lots of people. I have never heard anything bad about this course, and now I know why. Thank you!”
“I am more aware of, and now more focused on my areas for growth as a leader. I am grateful for the opportunity to frown and learn from real scouting exemplars. ”
“What did you learn? [This was] huge! Way more than I expected from the course. ”
“I have more tools to implement the program in my unit. ”
“I found the material presented was helpful not only to scouting but to use in the workforce and at home. I feel as if I can be a better leader and mentor to those in my units.”
“Great Program! It reinforced a lot of the training I’m doing at work! ”
“I signed up for Wood Badge after my first year as a Den Leader. I had very little understanding of the course. I thought it would be a good course to take. AND BOY AM I GLAD I DID! It has changed my role as Den Leader as well as added to my professional career. ”
“Tremendously enjoyed the training and the experience. Through you to all the staff for your hard work and for making this such a valuable time. I love fames with a purpose and it all had a purpose. ”
“I believe working my ticket will definitely help my troop in an area that was lacking. ”
“This course should be taken by all scouters. Excellent job!”
“It was not at all what I had previously anticipated it being, but even the long days and struggles it was all worth it. I hope to be able to implement some of the skills and tools in the conduct of my Troop and in my professional job.”
“It was an amazing experience. I know that I will carry these memories with me for a long time. Thank you all for such a worthwhile experience. I will not forget and I promise to share with others the importance of leaving a legacy. ”
“I have been through a number of leadership courses with my job. This was, without a doubt, the best one I have ever taken. I may have some of the same concepts as the others, but this was different. This felt like a family teaching or handing down ideas from one generation to another. We were not just taught, we were nurtured and mentored.”