Scouts and Scouters:
e-NABLE is an organization that has emerged as an Open Source Community that helps 3D print prosthetic hands and other body parts typically for young people or for those who ordinarily can’t afford. As youth grow, they present a unique challenge to have a properly fitted medical prosthesis. In areas hit by war or poverty, it is next to impossible for those in need to get the medical assistance they need. 3D printing solves many of these challenges by providing a quick and inexpensive way to provide these truly needed devices. e-NABLE work with 3D printing enthusiasts to help fulfill the demand for these unique devices.
Marking their 5th year in existence, e-NABLE is holding a conference locally in Maryland this Friday and Saturday night. Scouts and Scouters could potentially use this event as a Messengers of Peace project. The schedule and details are at:
This is a very unique opportunity. For more information, contact, Maria Esquela. Her information is below:
Maria is a volunteer Scouter from the Baltimore Area Council. Maria want to pass on that if scouts come in uniform to attend or volunteer this week, she will let them pay what they can, so that they can attend and volunteer in the 3D printed prosthesis project well trained! We encourage everyone to attend the tours, and experience CAD and 3D printing their design from local motors.
I have worked with Maria before and have found that this unique combination of STEM and service to others, is a win-win for both Scouts and the recipients of 3D printed prosthesis, who are often young people themselves.
Yours in Scouting,
Abdul “Rashid” Abdullah
Cubmaster, Pack 114
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 114
Crew Advisor, Crew 114
Executive Director, National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting
I used to be an Antelope…
Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.
Model the behavior you want to see.