National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting

Pack 5404 Hosts Bismillah Emblem Workshop

Pack 5404 Presents Cub Scout Islamic Religious Emblem Workshop: The Bismillah Medal

What: The workshop will cover all activities prescribed by the National Islamic Committee on Scouting as requirement for the emblem, except for the regular attendance of the mosque and prayer service, which is the individual responsibility of the Scout’s family.

When: Saturday, 04/07/2017, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Where: Dar al Noor Islamic Community Center, 5404 Hoadly Road, Manassas, VA 20122

Who: Any Bear, Webelos, or AOL Cub Scout who is a registered scout and practicing the Muslim faith. Cub Scouts can be from within or outside the NCAC.

Cost: Pack 5404 will cover the cost of the workshop – lunch for participating Scouts, adult volunteer leaders, and course materials. (Bismillah medal is not included).

Why: Muslims start any task by saying “In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.” Hence, as Cub Scouting is the beginning program of the BSA, when a boy learns something in this field, he should be awarded the “Bismillah Emblem”. In earning this emblem, boys will learn all the basic facts they should know about Islam.

Note: Participants will receive a certificate that states that the Scout has completed the requirements for the Bismillah Medal; they will NOT receive the medal at the workshop. It is the responsibility of the parents to submit the certificate with the required dollar amount to order the medal from the National Islamic Committee on Scouting.


For more information on Bismillah Emblem please visit

For questions, please contact:

We hope you can make it!


Pack 5404

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