National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting

Duty To God Weekend Northeast Georgia Council

As Salaam Alaykum,

When my family joined scouting  a few years back. I had no idea of the religious emblems program that is offered to scouts. I had learned from another family in our pack. Their son had earned his Catholic Faith Emblem. I then began researching the different emblems offered. I wanted my children to have the opportunity to earn their faith emblems as Muslim Scouts. Reaching out to our Local Council upon hearing about the Duty To God weekend from a flyer in the Scout Shop. I offered to teach the classes for the cubs, I wanted them to have the same chance that my sons had.

Northeast Georgia BSA Council  has a yearly  Duty To God weekend held at Camp Rainey Mountian.  Where Cubs, Scouts, and Venture’s can earn their religious faith emblems.  The scouts camp with an adult partner attending classes during the weekend.It is generally offered the first weekend in April.

This year NEGA offered the Muslim Faith Emblem for cubs from 3-5th grade. The boys worked on learning the basic fundamentals of Islam while being in an outdoor setting. Upon completing the classes the boys  earned the Bismillah emblem. We had scouts coming from Atlanta Area Council Pack 12.  Also scouts  from Pack 1215 in Northeast Georgia Council. For many of the boys this was their first time camping.

We shared the camp with the other participants, and had the opportunity to do interfaith dialogue. This was an excellent opportunity to work together, and learn about the many things we all had in common.  For  Non-Muslim participants they had an opportunity to interact with Muslim scouts in a positive setting. For many of these families, this was their first personal introduction to Islam and helped to build relationships and break down barriers.

It was truly an honor to help these boys earn their faith emblems. These memories will last a lifetime In shaa Allah.

Interested in the religious emblems

If you have a Muslim scout, or want to lead a workshop. Ask us how



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