National Association of Muslim Americans on Scouting

About Us

This image is the logo of NAMAS

Who we are

The aims and purposes of NAMAS is to promote Scouting for both boys and girls among Muslims in the United States and internationally. NAMAS aims to enable Muslim communities in the U.S. establish and maintain Scouting units and facilitate the membership in Scouting among Muslim-American youth wherever they might be.

NAMAS seeks to promote the practice and sharing of the universal values of Islam through the aims and methods of Scouting and as reflected in the Scout Law. Towards this end, it shall:

  • Represent and serve the interests of Muslim Scouts in North America, as well as serve society at large, in keeping with Islamic values and the ideals and methods of Scouting.
  • Demonstrate the principles and values of Islam, and promote just and peaceful co-existence and understanding among all people.
  • Develop guidance, publications, institutions and procure necessary resources for achieving NAMAS’s aims, as well as establish appropriate plans, priorities and policies to carry out its activities.
  • Serve as a conduit to register Muslim Scouts in existing or new Scouting units, including through direct chartering.


NAMAS will develop and maintain a national infrastructure to support Muslims in America promote Islamic values through Scouting.


The mission of NAMAS is to promote Muslim-American identity, leadership, and service through Scouting in America.


Colors (America): The colors are meant to represent America. Red, White, and Blue – We used the Official Web Colors of the US Flag.

World Scout Emblem: This is an Internationally recognized logo for Scouting. It is typically set against a purple background. We are using it because NAMAS is in support of Scouting programs that are consistent with the World Scouting movement.
Mishkah: Meant to represent the Islamic aspect of the organization, a mishkah is a niche mentioned in the Holy Quran. In relationship to NAMAS,  NAMAS is the niche where the Muslim Youth will be placed. They are the “Nur” of our deen and through Scouting and Islamic Values, we hope to keep that “Nur” bright.
Allah says in the verse: “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.”